Serbian Phrases

Serbian Phrases and Common Expressions

This page contains a table including the following: Serbian phrases, expressions and words in Serbian, conversation and idioms, Serbian greetings, and survival phrases. It also helps if you simply want to know what to say when chatting in Serbian!

Most of the sentences below are used for everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them.

English Phrases Serbian Phrases
English Greetings Serbian Greetings:
Hi! Zdravo!
Good morning! Dobro jutro!
Good evening! Dobro veče!
Welcome! (to greet someone) Dobrodošli (pl); Dobrodošla (f); Dobrodošao (m)
How are you? Kako ste? (polite); Kako si?
I'm fine, thanks! Dobro. Hvala.
And you? A vi? (polite); A ti?
Good/ So-So. Dobro/Kako – tako.
Thank you (very much)! Hvala (puno)!
You're welcome! (for "thank you") Nema na čemu!
Hey! Friend! Hej! Prijatelju!
I missed you so much! Nedostajao (m)/ Nedostajala (f) si mi puno!
What's new? Šta ima novo?
Nothing much Ništa
Good night! Laku noć!
See you later! Vidimo se kasnije!
Good bye! Doviđenja!
Asking for Help and Directions
I'm lost Izgubio (m) / Izgubila (f) sam se
Can I help you? Mogu li da vam (polite) / ti pomognem?
Can you help me? Možete li da mi pomognete?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Gde je (kupatilo / apoteka)?
Go straight! then turn left/ right! Idite pravo! Onda skrenite levo/desno.
I'm looking for john. Tražim Džona.
One moment please! Sačekajte momenat.
Hold on please! (phone) Sačekajte molim vas! (telefon)
How much is this? Koliko košta ovo_
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Izvinite..
Excuse me! ( to pass by) Izvinite / Pardon
Come with me! Pođite sa mnom
How to Introduce Yourself
Do you speak (English/ Serbian)? Da li govorite (polite) / govoriš Engleski/Srpski?
Just a little. Samo malo.
What's your name? Kako se zovete (polite) / zoveš?
My name is ... Zovem se…
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Gospodin / Gospođa / Gospođica
Nice to meet you! Drago mi je!
You're very kind! Veoma ste (polite) / si ljubazni (polite) / ljubazan (m) / ljubazna (f)
Where are you from? Odakle ste (polite) / si?
I'm from (the U.S/ Serbia ) Ja sam iz (SAD-a/ Srbije)
I'm (American) Ja sam (Amerikanac)
Where do you live? Gde živite (polite) / živiš?
I live in (the U.S/ Serbia) Živim u (SAD-u / Srbiji)
Did you like it here? Da li vam (polite) / ti se sviđa ovde?
Serbia is a wonderful country Srbija je predivna zemlja.
What do you do for a living? Čime se bavite (polite) / baviš?
I work as a (translator/ businessman) Radim kao (prevodilac / biznismen)
I like Serbian Sviđa mi se srpski.
I've been learning Serbian for 1 month Učim srpski mesec dana.
Oh! That's good! Oh! To je dobro.
How old are you? Koliko imate (polite) / imaš godina?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. Imam (dvadeset, trideset..) godina.
I have to go Moram da idem.
I will be right back! Vratiću se brzo.
Wish Someone Something
Good luck! Srećno!
Happy birthday! Srećan rođendan!
Happy new year! Srećna nova godina!
Merry Christmas! Srećan božić!
Congratulations! Čestitam!
Enjoy! (for meals...) Prijatno!
I'd like to visit Serbia one day Voleo (m) / volela (f) bih da posetim Srbiju jednog dana.
Say hi to John for me Pozdravi Džona u moje ime.
Bless you (when sneezing) Nazdravlje!
Good night and sweet dreams! Laku noć & slatki snovi!
Solving a Misunderstanding
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Pardon (nisam čuo (m) / čula (f))
Sorry (for a mistake) Izvinite (polite) / Izvini.
No Problem! Nema problema!
Can You Say It Again? Možeš/ možete (polite) li da ponovite?
Can You Speak Slowly? Možeš/ možete (polite) li pričati sporije?
Write It Down Please! Zapišite to molim vas.
I Don't Understand! Ne razumem.
I Don't Know! Ne znam.
I Have No Idea. Nemam pojma.
What's That Called In Serbian? Kako se to kaže na srpskom?
What Does "gato" Mean In English? Šta znači 'lingua' na engleskom?
How Do You Say "Please" In Serbian? Kako se kaže 'Please' na srpskom?
What Is This? Šta je ovo?
My Serbian is bad. Moj srpski je loš.
I need to practice my Serbian Treba da vežbam srpski.
Don't worry! Ne brinite se (polite). Ne brini.
Serbian Expressions and Words
Good/ Bad/ So-So. Dobro/ Loše/ Tako-tako.
Big/ Small Veliko/ Malo.
Today/ Now Danas/ Sada.
Tomorrow/ Yesterday Sutra/ Juče.
Yes/ No Da/ Ne.
Here you go! (when giving something) Izvoli/ Izvolite (polite).
Do you like it? Da li ti/ vam (polite) se sviđa?
I really like it! Veoma mi se sviđa.
I'm hungry/ thirsty. Gladan (m) / Gladna (f) / Žedan (m) / Žedna (f) sam.
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. Ujutro/ Predveče / Uveče.
This/ That. Here/There Ovo/ Ono. Ovde/ Tamo.
Me/ You. Him/ Her. Ja/ Ti. On/Ona.
Really! Stvarno!
Look! Pogledaj/ Pogledajte (polite and pl).
Hurry up! Požuri/ Požurite (polite and pl).
What? Where? Šta? Gde?
What time is it? Koliko je sati?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Deset sati je. Sedam i trideset je.
Give me this! Daj/ Dajte (polite) mi ovo!
I love you! Volim te!
I feel sick. Loše se osećam.
I need a doctor Treba mi doctor.
One, Two, Three Jedan, dva, tri
Four, Five, Six Četiri, pet, šest
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Sedam, osam, devet, deset

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Serbian phrases, expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.