Uyghur Phrases

Uyghur Phrases and Common Expressions

This page contains a table including the following: Uyghur phrases, expressions and words in Uyghur, conversation and idioms, Uyghur greetings, and survival phrases. It also helps if you simply want to know what to say when chatting in Uyghur!

Most of the sentences below are used for everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them.

English Phrases Uyghur Phrases
English Greetings: Uyghur Greetings:
Hi! yahshimusiz
Good morning! attiganlikingz khayrilik bolsun
Good evening! Kachlikingz khayrilik bolsun
Welcome! (to greet someone) Qarshi alimiz !
How are you? Yahshi mu siz ?
I'm fine, thanks! yahshi, rahmat !
And you? siz chu ?
Good/ So-So. yahshi/ balan
Thank you (very much)! kOp rahmat
You're welcome! (for "thank you") Tuzut Qilmang !
Hey! Friend! hei! adash,aghin
I missed you so much! sizni bak seghinip kattim !
What's new? nima boldi ?
Nothing much Eich ish
Good night! Kachlikingz khayrilik bolsun
See you later! kiyin kOrishayli !
Good bye! Khayr khosh !
Asking for Help and Directions
I'm lost man ezip Qaldim
Can I help you? sizga yardam kirakmu ?
Can you help me? manga yardam Qlarsizmu ?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Hajatkhana/ dorikhana Qayarda ?
Go straight! then turn left/ right! udul minging ! anden solgha burlung/ong gha !
I'm looking for john. man John ni izdawatiman.
One moment please! birdam saQlap turung!
Hold on please! (phone) birdam kutup turung !
How much is this? buning bahasi Qancha ?
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Kachurung .....!
Excuse me! ( to pass by) Kachurung .....!
Come with me! buyaQQa kiling / man bilan billa minging !
How to Introduce Yourself
Do you speak (English/ Uyghur)? siz ingiliz cha / uighur cha bilamsiz ?
Just a little. aziraQ .
What's your name? ismingiz nimu ?
My name is ... ismim........
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… apandim../hanim..../ QizhaQ....
Nice to meet you! KOrushkanlikim ga hushalman !
You're very kind! siz bak aQ kOngul ikansiz !
Where are you from? siz Qayardin ?
I'm from (the U.S/ Turkistan) man ( america/ Turkistan) din
I'm (American) man (amerikiQ)
Where do you live? siz Qayarda tursiz ?
I live in (the U.S/ Turkistan) man ( america/ Turkistan) da turman.
Did you like it here? siz bu yarni kOramsiz ?
Turkistan is a wonderful country Turkistan nahayti chirayliQ/guzal.
What do you do for a living? siz nima ish Qilisiz ?
I work as a (translator/ businessman) man ( tarjiman/tijatachi ) dak hizmat Qiliman
I like Uyghur man Uighur tilini yahshi kOriman
I've been learning Uyghur for 1 month man Uighur tili OgunwatQili 1 ay bolup Qaldi .
Oh! That's good! ha! nahayti yahshi !
How old are you? Qancha yashQa kirdingz ?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. man ( yigirma , ottuz...) yashQa kirdim.
I have to go man mang ghach turay
I will be right back! tizla Qaytip kiliman
Wish Someone Something
Good luck! amat tilayman !
Happy birthday! tughulghan kuningzga mobarak bolsun
Happy new year! yingi yilingz gha mobarak bolsun
Merry Christmas! Rojistiva bayrimingz gha mobarak bolsun
Congratulations! Mobarak bolsun
Enjoy! (for meals...) bahozur ilingla !
I'd like to visit Turkistan one day man bir kuni Turkistan gha sayahat ka birishni halayman .
Say hi to John for me John gha man din salam eytip Quyung.
Bless you (when sneezing) Allah rahmat Qilsun
Good night and sweet dreams! khayr & yahshi chush kOrung !
Solving a Misunderstanding
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) kachurung !
Sorry (for a mistake) kachurung !
No Problem! chataQ yoQ !
Can You Say It Again? Qaytilghan bolsingz boluptikan ?
Can You Speak Slowly? hapa bolmay asta sOzligan bolsingz ?
Write It Down Please! hapa bolmay yizip barsingz !
I Don't Understand! man chushanmidim !
I Don't Know! man bilmayman !
I Have No Idea. man uQmayman.
What's That Called In Uyghur? buni Uighur cha nima daydu ?
What Does "gato" Mean In English? buning ingilischa nima daydu ?
How Do You Say "Please" In Uyghur? please ni Uighur cha nima daydu ?
What Is This? bu nima ?
My Uyghur is bad. mining Uighur cham ancha yahshi amas.
I need to practice my Uyghur man Uighur chini mashiQ Qilshim kirak.
Don't worry! ansirmang !
Uyghur Expressions and Words
Good/ Bad/ So-So. yhashi/nachar/balan/obdan.
Big/ Small chong/kichik
Today/ Now bugun/ hazir
Tomorrow/ Yesterday ata/tunugun
Yes/ No ha'a/yaQ
Here you go! (when giving something) iling !
Do you like it? buni yaQturdingz mu ?
I really like it! man haQiQatan yaQturdum !
I'm hungry/ thirsty. QursuQum achti / ussudum.
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. attiganda/ kachta/kachta
This/ That. Here/There bu/awu/ buyar/awuyar
Me/ You. Him/ Her. man/san.u/u
Really! Rastmu ?
Look! Qara !
Hurry up! tiz bol !
What? Where? nimu ? Qayar
What time is it? sa'at naccha boldi ?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. on boldi. yatta yerim pm boldi
Give me this! buni manga biring !
I love you! sizni yahshi kOrman
I feel sick. aziraQ mijazm yoQ
I need a doctor man dohtur gha birishim kirak
One, Two, Three bir, ikki, uch
Four, Five, Six tOt, bash, alta,
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten yatta, sakkiz, toQQuz,on

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Uyghur phrases, expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.