Japanese Boy Names With Meanings in English
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Japanese Male Names
This page contains a list of Japanese boy names. N.B. If you want a list of Japanese female names click here.
The list of Japanese male names can be used when trying to think of what to call a newborn baby, or to find out the meaning of a certain Japanese name you have heard before.

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Make sure to check our Learn Japanese page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.
What are Some Good Japanese Boy Names?
Japanese boy names are popular worldwide for their unique and meaningful significance. Japanese culture emphasizes the importance of choosing a name that reflects a person's personality and characteristics. In Japan, names often have specific meanings related to nature, colors, and virtues.
Traditional Japanese boy names such as Hiroshi, Tatsuo, and Katsuo are still widely used today. Modern names such as Yuto, Haruto, and Sota are also gaining popularity in Japan and around the world.
Whether you're looking for a name that sounds strong, gentle, or unique, there are a vast selection of Japanese boy names to choose from.
When choosing a name, it's important to consider its pronunciation and meaning. A name that may sound good in one language may not have the same meaning in another. It's also a good idea to consult with a native Japanese speaker to ensure proper pronunciation and spelling.
At the end of the day, the name you choose for your baby boy is a personal decision that should reflect your cultural values and your hopes and dreams for your child. With so many beautiful and meaningful Japanese boy names to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect name for your little one.
Japanese Male Names |
Akio 昭夫, 昭男, 昭雄 meaning 昭 [aki] (bright) + 夫 [o] (husband, man), 男 [o] (male) or 雄 [o] (hero, manly). |
Akira 昭, 明, 亮 meaning 昭 (bright), 明 (bright) or 亮 (clear). |
Aoi 葵, 碧 meaning 葵 (hollyhock, althea) or 碧 (blue). |
Arata 新 meaning meaning (fresh, new). |
Ayumu 歩夢 meaning 歩 [ayu] (walk) + 夢 [mu] (dream, vision). |
Daichi 大地, 大智 meaning 大 [dai] (large, great) + 地 [chi] (earth, land) or 智 [chi] (wisdom, intellect). |
Daiki 大輝, 大樹, 大貴 meaning 大 [dai] (large, great) + 輝 [ki] (radiance), 樹 [ki] (tree) or 貴 [ki] (valuable, noble). |
Daisuke 大輔 meaning 大 [dai] (large, great) + 輔 [suke] (help). |
Goro transcription of gorou |
Gorou 五郎 meaning 五 [go] (five) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Hachiro transcription of hachirou |
Hachirou 八郎 meaning 八 [hachi] (eight) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Haru 陽, 春, 晴 meaning 陽 (sun, sunlight), 春 (spring) or 晴 (clear up). |
Haruki 晴輝, 陽生 meaning 晴 [haru] (clear up) or 陽 [haru] (sun, sunlight) + 輝 [ki] (radiance, shine) or 生 [ki] (life). |
Haruto 陽斗, 遥斗, 陽翔, 晴斗 meaning 陽 [haru] (sun, sunlight), 遥 [haru] (distant) or 晴 [haru] (clear up) + 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major, or 翔 [to] (soar, fly). |
Hayate 颯 meaning (smooth). |
Hayato 隼人 means隼 [haya] (falcon) + 人 [to] (person). |
Hibiki 響 meaning (echo, sound). |
Hideaki 英明 meaning 英 [hide] (excellent) + 明 [aki] (bright). |
Hideki 秀樹, 英樹 meaning 秀 [hide] (esteem, excellence) or 英 [hide] (excellent) + 樹 [ki] (tree). |
Hideyoshi 秀良, 秀吉 meaning 秀 [hide] (esteem, excellence) + 良 [yoshi] (good) or 吉 [yoshi] (good luck) |
Hikaru 光, 輝 meaning 光 (light) or 輝 (radiance). |
Hinata 向日葵, 陽向 meaning 向日葵 (sunflower) or 陽向 (facing the sun) |
Hiraku 拓 meaning (expand, open, pioneer). |
Hiroshi 寛, 浩 meaning 寛 (tolerant, generous) or 浩 (prosperous). |
Hiroto 大翔, 博斗 meaning 大 [hiro] (large, great) or 博 [hiro] (command, esteem) + 翔 [to] (soar, fly) or 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major. |
Hotaka 穂高 meaning 穂 [ho] (grain) + 高 [taka] (tall) |
Ichiro transcription of ichirou |
Ichirou 一郎 meaning 一 [ichi] (one) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Isamu 勇 meaning (courage, bravery). |
Itsuki 樹 meaning (tree) |
Jiro variant transcription of jirou |
Jirou 二郎 meaning 二 [ji] (two) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Juro transcription of jurou |
Jurou 十郎 meaning 十 [ju] (ten) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Kaede 楓 meaning (maple). |
Kaito 海斗, 海翔 meaning 海 [kai] (sea, ocean) + 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major, or 翔 [to] (soar, fly). |
Kaoru 薫 meaning (fragrance). |
Katashi 堅 meaning (firm, hard). |
Katsu 勝 meaning (victory). |
Katsuo 勝雄 勝 meaning [katsu] (victory) + 雄 [o] (hero, manly). |
Katsuro transcription of katsurou |
Katsurou 勝郎 meaning 勝 [katsu] (victory) + 郎 [rou] (son). |
Kazuki 一輝, 和希 meaning 一 [kazu] (one) or 和 [kazu] (harmony) + 輝 [ki] (radiance, shine) or 希 [ki] (hope). |
Kazuo 一男, 和夫 meaning 一 [kazu] (one) or 和 [kazu] (harmony) + 男 [o] (male) or 夫 [o] (husband, man). |
Ken 健 meaning (healthy, strong). |
Ken'ichi 健一, 研一 meaning 健 [ken] (healthy, strong) or 研 [ken] (study) + 一 [ichi] (one). |
Kenji 研二 meaning 研 [ken] (study) + 二 [ji] (two). |
Kenshin 謙信 meaning 謙 [ken] (modest) + 信 [shin] (truth). |
Kenta 健太 meaning 健 [ken] (healthy, strong) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Kichiro variant transcription of kichirou |
Kichirou 吉郎 meaning 吉 [kichi] (good luck) + 郎 [rou] (son). |
Kiyoshi 淳 meaning (pure). |
Kohaku 琥珀 meaning (amber). |
Kouki 光希, 幸輝 meaning 光 [kou] (light) or 幸 [kou] (happiness) + 希 [ki] (hope) or 輝 [ki] (radiance, shine). |
Kouta 康太 meaning 康 [kou] (peace) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Kuro variant transcription of kurou |
Kurou 九郎 meaning 九 [ku] (nine) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Kyo variant transcription of kyou |
Kyou 協, 京, 郷, 杏 meaning 協 (cooperation), 協 (capital), 郷 (village) or 杏 (apricot). |
Makoto 誠 meaning (sincerity). |
Masaru 勝 meaning (victory). |
Michi 道 meaning (path). |
Minoru 実 meaning (truth). |
Naoki 直樹 meaning 直 [nao] (honest, straight) + 樹 [ki] (tree). |
Noboru 翔 meaning (rise, ascend). |
Nobu 延 meaning (prolong, stretch). |
Noburu 伸 meaning (expand). |
Nobuyuki 信幸 meaning 信 [nobu] (truth) + 幸 [yuki] (happiness). |
Nori 儀 meaning (rule, ceremony). |
Osamu 修 meaning (discipline, study). |
Ren 蓮, 恋 meaning 蓮 (lotus) or 恋 (romance, love). |
Riku 陸 meaning (land). |
Rikuto 陸斗, 陸人 meaning 陸 [riku] (land) + 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major, or 人 [to] (person). |
Rokuro variant transcription of rokurou |
Rokurou 六郎 meaning 六 [roku] (six) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Ryo variant transcription of ryou |
Ryoichi variant transcription of ryouichi |
Ryota variant transcription of ryouta |
Ryou 涼, 遼, 諒 meaning 涼 (cool, refreshing), 遼 (distant) or 諒 (reality). |
Ryouichi 良一, 亮一 meaning 良 [ryou] (good) or 亮 [ryou] (clear) + 一 [ichi] (one). |
Ryouta 涼太, 亮太, 良太 meaning 涼 [ryou] (cool, refreshing), 亮 [ryou] (clear) or 良 [ryou] (good) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Ryuu 龍, 竜 meaning 龍 or 竜 which both mean (dragon). |
Ryuunosuke 龍之介, 隆之介 meaning 龍 [ryuu] (dragon) or 隆 [ryuu] (noble, prosperous) + 之 [no] (of) + 介 [suke] (forerunner, herald). |
Saburo variant transcription of saburou |
Saburou 三郎 meaning 三 [sabu] (three) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Shichiro variant transcription of shichirou |
Shichirou 七郎 meaning 七 [shichi] (seven) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Shin 真 meaning (real, true). |
Shinobu 忍 meaning (endurance). |
Shiro variant transcription of the shirou |
Shirou 四郎 meaning 四 [shi] (four) + 郎 [rou] (son) |
Sho variant transcription of shou |
Shou 翔 meaning (soar, fly). |
Shouta 翔太 meaning 翔 [shou] (soar, fly) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Sora 空, 昊 meaning 空 or 昊 which both mean (sky). |
Souta 颯太 meaning 颯 [sou] (suddenly, smoothly) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Susumu 進 meaning (advance, proceed). |
Taichi 太一 meaning 太 [ta] (thick, big) + 一 [ichi] (one). |
Taiki 大輝 meaning 大 [tai] (large, great) + 輝 [ki] (radiance, shine). |
Takahiro 貴大, 孝浩 meaning 貴 [taka] (valuable, noble) or 孝 [taka] (filial piety) + 大 [hiro] (large, great) or 浩 [hiro] (prosperous). |
Takashi 孝, 隆, 崇 meaning 孝 (filial piety), 隆 (noble, prosperous) or 崇 (reverence). |
Takehiko 武彦, 竹彦 meaning 武 [take] (military) or 竹 [take] (bamboo) + 彦 [hiko] (boy, prince). |
Takeshi 武 meaning (military, warrior). |
Takuma 拓真 meaning 拓 [taku] (expand, open, pioneer) + 真 [ma] (real, true). |
Takumi 匠, 巧, 拓海, 拓実 meaning 匠 (artisan) or 巧 (skilled) |
Taro variant transcription of tarou |
Tarou 太郎 meaning 太 [ta] (thick, big) + 郎 [rou] (son). |
Tsubasa 翼 meaning (wing). |
Yamato 大和 meaning refers to the ancient yamato period history, which lasted into the 8th century |
Yasu 安, 康, 坦 meaning 安 (peaceful), 康 (peace) or 坦 (level). |
Yori 頼 meaning (trust). |
Yoshi 吉, 義, 良 meaning 吉 (good luck), 義 (righteous), or 良 (good). |
Yoshiro variant transcription of yoshirou |
Yoshirou 義郎 meaning 義 [yoshi] (righteous) + 郎 [rou] (son). |
Youta 陽太 meaning 陽 [you] (sun, sunlight) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Yuu 優, 悠 meaning 優 (gentleness, superiority) or 悠 (distant, leisurely). |
Yuudai 雄大 meaning 雄 [yuu] (hero, manly) + 大 [dai] (large, great). |
Yuuki 優希, 悠希, 優輝, 悠生 meaning 優 [yuu] (gentleness, superiority) or 悠 [yuu] (distant, leisurely) + 希 [ki] (hope), 輝 [ki] (radiance) or 生 [ki] (life). |
Yuuma 悠真, 優真 meaning 悠 [yuu] (distant, leisurely) or 優 [yuu] (gentleness, superiority) + 真 [ma] (real, true). |
Yuuta 優太, 悠太, 勇太 meaning 優 [yuu] (gentleness, superiority), 悠 [yuu] (distant, leisurely) or 勇 [yuu] (brave) + 太 [ta] (thick, big). |
Yuuto 優斗, 悠斗, 悠人, 悠翔, 優翔 meaning 優 [yuu] (gentleness, superiority) or 悠 [yuu] (distant, leisurely) + 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major, or 人 [to] (person) or 翔 [to] (soar, fly). |
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you either found the Japanese male name that you were looking for, or it gave you some inspiration for what to name your new baby boy!
Whether you're looking for a modern or traditional name, the above names of Japanese men offer a range of options that are both meaningful and unique.