English Grammar - Adverbs

English Grammar - Adverbs

This page contains a table with a List of Adverbs in English as well as 3 other languages (Spanish, French and Japanese), so that if English is not your first language you can still understand the meaning of those prepositions. Try to memorize them because they're very important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. If this page is not what you're looking for then here is a more detailed English Adverbs. Make sure to check our Learn English page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

In English an adverb is a part of speech. It is any word that modifies any other part of language: verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and other adverbs, except for nouns; modifiers of nouns are primarily determiners and adjectives.

Adverbs typically answer questions such as how?" (or "in what way?), when?, where?, why? and to what extent?. In English, they often end in -ly. When they answer how it is usually in what way. When they answer when it is usually a date or a word such as yesterday or today. When they answer why it is usually an explanation of a problem, issue, or situatiuon usually ending after because. When they answer where it usually states a place.

This function is called the adverbial function, and is realized not just by single words (i.e., adverbs) but by adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses.

An adverb as an adverbial may be a sentence element in its own right. Example:

  • They treated her well. (SUBJECT)
  • Alternatively, an adverb may be contained within a sentence element.
  • An extremely attractive man entered the room. (SUBJECT + ADVERBIAL + OBJECT)

  • List of Adverbs Spanish French Japanese
    Adverbs of Time
    Adverbios de Tiempo
    Adverbes de temps
    (いつ? )
    yesterdayayer hier 昨日
    todayhoy aujourd'hui 本日
    tomorrowmañana demain 明日
    now ahora maintenant 今は
    thenentonces puis それから
    laterposterior plus tard 後で
    tonightesta noche ce soir 今夜
    right nowahora maintenant
    last nightanoche la nuit dernière 昨日の夜
    this morningesta mañana ce matin 今朝
    next weekla próxima semana la semaine prochaine 来週
    alreadyya déjà すでに
    recentlyrecientemente récemment 最近、
    latelyúltimamente dernièrement 最近、
    soonpronto bientôt まもなく
    immediatelyinmediatamente immédiatement すぐに
    stillaún immobile 静止した
    yettodavía pourtant まだ
    . . . agohace Il ya 。 。 。前
    Adverbs of Place
    Adverbios de Lugar
    Adverbes de la Place
    (どこ? )
    hereaquí ici ここで
    thereallí là bas そこに
    over thereallí là-bas 向こうに
    everywhereen todas partes partout 至る所
    anywhereen cualquier lugar n'importe où どこにでも
    nowhereen ninguna parte nulle part どこにも
    homeinicio accueil 家庭
    downtownel centro de Centre-Ville ダウンタウン
    backespalda retour 後ろの
    awayfuera parti 離れて
    outfuera dehors はずれて
    Adverbs of Manner
    Adverbios de Modalidad
    Adverbes de manière
    (どうやって? )
    verymuy très とても
    quitebastante assez 完全に
    prettybonito joli かわいい
    reallyrealmente vraiment 本当に
    fastrápido rapidement 速い
    wellbien bien 上手に
    hardduro dur 辛い
    quicklyrápidamente rapidement 素早く
    slowlylentamente lentement ゆっくり
    carefullycuidadosamente attentivement 慎重に
    hardlyapenas à peine ほとんど
    barelyapenas à peine 辛うじて
    mostlyla mayoría de surtout ほとんど
    almostcasi presque ほとんど
    absolutelyabsolutamente absolument 確実に
    togetherjuntos ensemble いっしょに
    alonesolo seul ひとりで
    Adverbs of Frequency
    (How Often?)
    Adverbios de frecuencia
    (¿Con qué frecuencia?)
    Adverbes de fréquence
    (à quelle fréquence?)
    (どのくらいの頻度? )
    alwayssiempre toujours 常に
    frequentlycon frecuencia souvent 頻繁に
    usuallynormalmente habituellement 普通は
    sometimesalgunas veces parfois 時々
    occasionallyde vez en cuando occasionnellement 時折
    seldomrara vez rarement めったに
    rarelyrara vez rarement めったに

    More Examples

    I almost drove into the river when I was texting and driving.

    We should be treated equally as humans.

    The professor briefly explained the history of American art.

    The girl walked carefully across the dangerous bridge.

    “I love you!” the boy shouted enthusiastically.

    The queen elegantly held out her hand for the people to kiss.

    “Give me all the toys!” the little boy said greedily.

    Fortunately, we don’t have homework tonight.

    My father reacted joyously when I told him about my new, high-paying job.

    I nearly jumped out of the car when I saw the spider on the window.

    The boy looks around shyly hoping that no one will look at him.

    The rabbit quickly ran out of the woods and into the field.

    Be sure to close the door tightly so the wind won’t blow in.

    The mother repeatedly asked the boy to sit down in his chair.

    “I ate the cookies,” the child said truthfully.

    Adverbs A-Z Table

    Below is a table featuring a selection of adverbs in English. To hear how they are pronounced, to help you with learning spoken English, please click on the audio controls underneath the table:

    Adverbs English Adverbs English Adverbs English Adverbs
    Column 1:
    Column 2:
    Column 3:
    Column 4:
    Column 5:
    Column 6:
    Column 7:

    I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some words from the English Adverbs ..., try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to check our Learn English page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.