Apostrophes - Grammar Quiz


1) That is the _____ cupboard.
a) childrens
b) children's

2) I am going to my _____ shop to buy some bread.
a) friends
b) friend's

3) Dont leave your _____ on the floor.
a) clothes
b) clothe's

4) The _____ are too small.
a) animal's cages
b) animals cage's

5) They _____ going to get here on time, are they?
a) arent
b) aren't

6.) My ____________ going on vacation in July. Many ___________ will be there.
a) family's/families
b) families/families
c) families/family's

7.) All the _________________ are dreading the quiz today. Calm down, _______________!
a) students/students'
b) students/student's
c) students/students

8.) My friends and I work at different companies. Our ________________ bosses are terrible.
a) company's
b) companies
c) companies'

9.) His _______________ keyboard is broken. He has to go to the ______________ store.
a) computers/computer
b) computer's/computer
c) computers/computer's

10.) This is my friend Kathy and this is _________________ boyfriend, Carl.
a) Kathy
b) Kathies'
c) Kathy's

