Parts of Speech - Grammar Quiz

Parts of Speech

There are nine parts of speech in English, with every word in English being one of these parts. They are called as folows:

Article, Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Conjunction, Preposition, and Interjection

Task 1: Match the English word with the correct part:

English Word Part
play Article
or Noun
quickly Pronoun
a Adjective
kind Verb
it Adverb
under Conjunction
ah, really Preposition
puppy Interjection

play = Verb;
or = Conjunction;
quickly = Adverb;
a = Article;
kind = Adjective;
it = Pronoun;
under = Preposition;
ah, really = Interjection;
puppy = Noun;

Task 2: Match the English word with the correct part:

English Word Part
awesome! Adjective
where Adverb
clock Preposition
terribly Verb
the Noun
Michigan Phrasal Verb
turn off Article
orange Question Word
below Proper Noun
quantify Exclamation

orange = Adjective;
terribly = Adverb;
below = Preposition;
quantify = Verb;
clock = Noun;
turn off = Phrasal Verb;
the = Article;
where = Question Word;
Michigan = Proper Noun;
awesome! = Exclamation;