Used to

Unit 8 - Used to

Used to is used for a past habit that doesn't happen anymore. For example:
- I used to play soccer at weekends. (But not now)
- He used to get up at 5.30, but now he gets up at 8.00.

Used to is also used for past situations and facts. For example:
- People used to think the world was square.
- He used to be a film director.

Used to is used only in the past simple. For example:
- We used to work together. OK
- We use to work together. Incorrect

Used to can be used in questions and negatives like any other verb. For example:
- I didn't use to exercise regularly.
- Did you use to work here?
Note that the use of did and the base verb use (without a "d" at the end) is the same as normal question and negative formation.

Used to / be used to

Used to is a completely different structure from be used to. Used to is for past habit, be used to means to get accustomed to something.


Grammar Exercises

Example: He _____ go on long vacations, but now he works more.

a) used to
b) be used to
c) used

The answer is: a) used to

1. I _____ take chemistry, but now I take physics.
a) used to
b) be used to
c) used

2. The television sure gets _____ a lot around here!
a) used to
b) be used to
c) used

3. I work long hours, but I ____ it.
a) used to
b) am used to
c) be used to

4. The class necessitates a lot of homework, but I ______ it.
a) used to
b) will get used to
c) used

5. I _____ have a cat, but now I have a dog.
a) used to
b) be used to
c) used

6. He ______ the dishwasher to clean the dishes.
a) used to
b) be used to
c) used

7. Her father told her ______ being grounded if she disobeyed the rules.
a) used to
b) to get used to
c) used

8. I plan on ______ running three miles every day.
a) used to
b) using
c) getting used to

9. I _____ watch television, but now I read books.
a) used to
b) using
c) got used to

10. I am going to try ______ being a vegetarian.
a) used to
b) to get used to
c) will get used to



Hank: How do you know Tim?
Erin: Well, we used to go to high school together. However, his family moved during his Junior year, so we lost touch.

Sylvia: Do you have any bad habits?
Tyler: I used to smoke, but I stopped since it’s unhealthy.
Sylvia: I heard it is hard to give up smoking?
Tyler: Yes, but I am used to making sharp changes in my life, so I was able to quit.

Bob: Wow, it looks like we are going to get a lot of homework and reading for this class!
Christina: It’s ok. I am used to hard classes, so I’m not too worried.

Get / Be used to

Be used to

Be used to is used to show previous experience and familiarity with a certain situation. For example:
- I am used to living abroad. - I have previous experience living abroad, so it's not difficult for me.
- Jane isn't used to living abroad. - She doesn't have much experience living abroad, or if she does it is still difficult for her.
- Paul is used to learning languages. - Paul has learnt languages before, so he's good at it.
- Carol has never studied a foreign language, so she's not used to it. - Carol doesn't have previous experience learning a foreign language.

Get used to

Get used to is used for the process of acquiring experience and ability. In the beginning we are less experienced, then we get used to something - we go through a process of gaining experience. For example:
- I wasn't used to living abroad, but I got used to it. - I didn't have expeirence living abroad, but I grew in experience until I was happy living abroad.
- I didn't like bananas, but I got used to them. - In the beginning I didn't like bananas, but after a while I learnt to like them.


In the structure be / get used to, to is a preposition, not part of the to-infinitive. For example:
- I'm used to cooking for myself. OK
- I'm used to cook for myself. Incorrect - "to cook" is a to-infinitive and can't be used here.

Used to - be/get used to

Used to is a completely different structure from be / get used to. Used to is for past habit, be used to means to get accustomed to something.


Grammar Exercises

Example: Traveling does not bother me. ________ traveling a lot.

a) I am used to
b) I used to
c) I got used

The answer is: a) I am used to

1. I'm ______ working during the day.
a) got used
b) used to
c) used

2. My girlfriend has a lot of cats, but I already ______ to it.
a) am used
b) will get used
c) used

3. I am not accustomed to working the late shift, but I guess I ______ it.
a) used to
b) am used to
c) will get used to

4. I don.t think I ______ going to the dentist.
a) will ever get used to
b) used to
c) used

5. I'm used to ______ television at night.
a) watch
b) get watching
c) watching

6. The smell is so bad that I don.t I will ever _____ to it.
a) used to
b) get used
c) got used

7. John ______ taking a lot of classes. He took ten classes last year!
a) used to
b) is using
c) is used to

8. I'm used to _____ at my favorite restaurant every Friday night.
a) eating
b) be eating
c) get eating

9. It is very hot outside, but I _____ it. I live in Mexico for a few years, and it was very hot there.
a) got used to
b) am used to
c) get used to

10. It is very noisy here. I don't think I will ever _____ it.
a) am used to
b) used to
c) get used to



Samuel: Have you started your new job yet?
Rebecca: No, not yet. The hours are long though. Each shift is ten hours. I am used to working six to eight hour shifts. I guess I am going to have to get used to working longer than that.

Lisa: Do you want to go out to eat?
John: Not really, I am used to cooking for myself. I would rather eat at home. I can make some excellent chicken and dumplings.
Lisa: That sounds great. I am so used to fast food that a home cooked meal sounds wonderful.

Husband: Is Jill going to do study abroad next year in college?
Wife: I think so. She wants to study in Africa, but she is so used to the life in America. I think she’ll be able to get used to living there for a little while though.