Verb Tenses Exercises


In 10 years, I 1. a different person than I am now. In 10 years, I 2. a big house where I 3. with my family. I 4. three children and they 5. girls. I will be married and my husband and I 6. happy all the time. We 7. our bikes together as a family, we 8. exciting activities together and we 9. together every year. Every night, I 10. dinner with my husband and the children 11. together outside in our big yard. This life 12. me so much happiness and I hope it 13. really 14. true!

1. = "will be";
2. = "will own";
3. = "will live";
4. = "will have";
5. = "will be";
6. = "will feel";
7. = "will ride";
8. = "will do";
9. = "will travel";
10. = "will make";
11. = "will play";
12. = "will bring";
13. = "will";
14. = "come";