Indonesian Numbers
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Indonesian Numbers - Cardinal and Ordinal
This page contains a table including the following: Indonesian Numbers and numerals cardinal and ordinal. Try to memorize them because they're very important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Indonesian page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.
Indonesian Cardinal Numbers
The meaning of cardinal numbers is digits such as 3 or 11 or 630 or any other number used in counting to indicate quantity but not order. The following table shows how you can use the cardinal numbers in Indonesian.
English Numbers | Indonesian Numbers |
0 | Nol |
1 | Satu |
2 | Dua |
3 | Tiga |
4 | Empat |
5 | Lima |
6 | Enam |
7 | Tujuh |
8 | Delapan |
9 | Sembilan |
10 | Sepuluh |
11 | Sebelas |
12 | Dua belas |
20 | Dua puluh |
100 | Seratus |
1000 | Seribu |
2000 | Dua ribu |
12 | Dua belas ribu |
300 | Tiga ratus ribu |
1.000.000 | Sejuta |
2.000.000 | Dua juta |
Examples of cardinal numbers:
Indonesian Ordinal Numbers
First, second, third, etc., are ordinal numbers in English as well as in Indonesian. They can be written as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc...As you will notice in the form below, in order to form ordinal numbers in series, you only need to attach the prefix "ke-", then the number itself. Except for pertama ("1st"), you can spell out the number or just write the digits (like the ones in parentheses).
Indonesian Ordinal Numbers | |
1st | Pertama/ Kesatu |
2nd | Kedua |
3rd | Ketiga |
4th | Keempat |
5th | Kelima |
6th | Keenam |
7th | Ketujuh |
8th | Kedelapan |
9th | Kesembilan |
10th | Kesepuluh |
11th | Kesebelas |
12th | Keduabelas |
20th | Ketigabelas |
100th | Keseratus |
Indonesian Cardinal numbers are used more often than ordinal numbers; therefore they need more attention, so try to memorize them by heart. Make sure to check our Learn Indonesian page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Indonesian Numbers, and numerals ..., Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.