Indonesian Vocabulary
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Indonesian Vocabulary
This page contains the most commonly used vocabulary in English and Indonesian (Bahasa), there are more than 300 words. The table includes the following: Indonesian adjectives verbs, animals, body parts, objects food, people, and survival words that you might want to know when chatting. Most of the vocabulary is used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them. Make sure to check our Learn Indonesian page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.
English | Indonesian | English | Indonesian | |
Animals | Binatang | Body Parts | Bagian tubuh | |
Bear | Beruang | Arm | Lengan | |
Bird | Burung | Back | Belakang | |
Cat | Kucing | Chest | Catur | |
Cow | Sapi | Ear | Telinga | |
Dog | Anjing | Eye | Mata | |
Fish | Ikan | Face | Wajah | |
Horse | Kuda | Finger | Jari | |
Monkey | Monkey | Fingers | Jari | |
Mouse | Mouse | Foot | Kaki | |
Pig | Babi | Hair | Rambut | |
Sheep | Domba | Hand | Tangan | |
Head | Kepala | |||
Adjectives | Adjectives | Heart | Hati | |
Angry | Marah | Leg | Kaki | |
Bad | Buruk | Mouth | Mulut | |
Beautiful | Cantik | Neck | Leher | |
Cheap | Murah | Nose | Hidung | |
Clean | Bersih | Shoulder | Bahu | |
Cold | Dingin | Stomach | Perut | |
Different | Berbeda | Teeth | Gigi | |
Difficult | Sulit | Tongue | Lidah | |
Early | Dini | Tooth | Gigi | |
Easy | Mudah | |||
Friendly | Ramah | Objects | Benda | |
Good | Baik | Bathroom | Kamar mandi | |
Heavy | Berat | Bed | Ranjang | |
Important | Penting | Bedroom | Kamar tidur | |
Married | Menikah | Ceiling | Plafon | |
Natural | Alam | Chair | Kursi | |
Nice | Baik | Clothes | Pakaian | |
Open | Membuka | Coat | Lapisan | |
Polite | Polite | Cup | Cup | |
Poor | Miskin | Desk | Gerai | |
Rich | Kaya | Dress | Pakaian | |
Sad | Sedih | Floor | Lantai | |
Simple | Sederhana | Fork | Fork | |
Slow | Lambat | Furniture | Furnitur | |
Small | Kecil | Glass | Kaca | |
Sweet | Manis | Hat | Topi | |
Tall | Tinggi | House | Rumah | |
Warm | Hangat | Ink | Tinta | |
Well | Baik | Jacket | Jaket | |
Worse | Parah | Kitchen | Dapur | |
Worst | Terburuk | Knife | Pisau | |
Wrong | Salah | Lamp | Lampu | |
Letter | Banding | |||
Miscellaneous Words | Kata-kata miscellaneous | Map | Peta | |
Art | Seni | Newspaper | Koran | |
Book | Buku | Notebook | Notebook | |
Dictionary | Kamus | Pants | Celana | |
Geography | Geografi | Paper | Kertas | |
History | Sejarah | Pen | Pena | |
Math | Math | Pencil | Pensil | |
Music | Musik | Pharmacy | Farmasi | |
Science | Sains | Picture | Gambar | |
Bank | Bank | Plate | Plate | |
Beach | Pantai | Refrigerator | Kulkas | |
By bicycle | Bersepeda | Restaurant | Restoran | |
By bus | By bus | Roof | Atap | |
By car | Mobil | Room | Ruang | |
By train | Kereta | Rug | Khatifah | |
Cafe | Kafe | Scissors | Gunting | |
Country | Negara | Shampoo | Shampoo | |
Desert | Desert | Shirt | Kemeja | |
Flowers | Bunga | Shoes | Sepatu | |
Football | Sepakbola | Soap | Sabun | |
Forest | Hutan | Socks | Kaus kaki | |
Game | Permainan | Spoon | Sendok | |
Garden | Taman | Table | Meja | |
House | Rumah | Toilet | Toilet | |
Island | Pulau | Toothbrush | Sikat gigi | |
Lake | Danau | Toothpaste | Pasta gigi | |
Library | Perpustakaan | Towel | Handuk | |
Mountain | Gunung | T-shirt | T-shirt | |
Movies | Film | Umbrella | Payung | |
Ocean | Samudra | Underwear | Underwear | |
Office | Kantor | Wall | Dinding | |
On foot | Jalan kaki | Wallet | Dompet | |
Player | Player | Window | Jendela | |
River | Sungai | |||
Sea | Laut | Food | Makanan | |
Soccer | Sepakbola | Apple | Apel | |
Supermarket | Supermarket | Apricot | Aprikot | |
Swimming pool | Kolam renang | Banana | Banana | |
Theater | Teater | Bread | Roti | |
Tree | Pohon | Breakfast | Sarapan | |
Butter | Mentega | |||
Check Below | For More Words | Check Below | For More Words |
English | Indonesian | English | Indonesian | |
Verbs | Verbs | Candy | Candy | |
To arrive | Tiba | Carrot | Wortel | |
To ask | Untuk meminta | Cheese | Keju | |
To be | Menjadi | Chicken | Ayam | |
To become | Menjadi | Dessert | Dessert | |
To begin | Untuk mulai | Dinner | Makan malam | |
To break | Untuk memutuskan | Fish | Ikan | |
To bring | Membawa | Food | Makanan | |
To build | Untuk membangun | Fruit | Buah | |
To burn | Membakar | Grapes | Grapes | |
To buy | Untuk membeli | Ice cream | Es krim | |
To call | Untuk memanggil | Lamb | Domba | |
To choose | Untuk memilih | Lemon | Lemon | |
To clean | Untuk membersihkan | Lunch | Makan siang | |
To close | Untuk menutup | Meal | Makan | |
To come | Akan datang | Meat | Daging | |
To cut | Untuk memotong | Onion | Bawang | |
To dance | To dance | Orange | Oranye | |
To do | Untuk melakukannya | Pork | Babi | |
To dream | Untuk mimpi | Potato | Kentang | |
To drink | Minum | Salad | Salad | |
To eat | Makan | Salt | Garam | |
To fall | Jatuh | Sandwich | Sandwich | |
To find | Untuk mencari | Sausage | Sosis | |
To forget | Untuk lupa | Soup | Sup | |
To get | Untuk mendapatkan | Sugar | Gula | |
To go | Untuk kembali | Supper | Supper | |
To hear | Mendengar | Turkey | Turki | |
To help | Untuk membantu | Vegetables | Sayuran | |
To kiss | Untuk kiss | |||
To know | Mengetahui | People | Orang-orang | |
To laugh | To laugh | Aunt | Bibi | |
To learn | Untuk mempelajari | Baby | Bayi | |
To like | Untuk seperti | Brother | Saudara laki-laki | |
To live | Tinggal | Cousin | Sepupu | |
To look | Untuk melihat | Daughter | Anak perempuan | |
To love | To love | Dentist | Dokter gigi | |
To make | Untuk membuat | Doctor | Dokter | |
To mean | Berarti | Father | Ayah | |
To meet | Untuk memenuhi | Granddaughter | Cucu perempuan | |
To need | Untuk kebutuhan | Grandfather | Kakek | |
To open | Untuk membuka | Grandmother | Nenek | |
To play | Untuk memutar | Grandson | Cucu | |
To push | Untuk mendorong | Husband | Suami | |
To read | Untuk membaca | Mother | Ibu | |
To remember | Untuk diingat | Nephew | Keponakan | |
To return | Untuk kembali | Niece | Keponakan perempuan | |
To run | Untuk menjalankan | Nurse | Perawat | |
To say | Berkata | Policeman | Polisi | |
To see | Untuk melihat | Postman | Pos | |
To sell | Menjual | Professor | Profesor | |
To send | Untuk mengirim | Son | Anak laki-laki | |
To sit | Duduk | Teacher | Guru | |
To sleep | Tidur | Uncle | Paman | |
To speak | Berbicara | Wife | Istri | |
To take | Untuk mengambil | |||
To talk | To talk | |||
To teach | Mengajar | |||
To tell | Kirim ke | |||
To think | Berpikir | |||
To understand | Untuk memahami | |||
To wait | Menunggu | |||
To want | Untuk ingin | |||
To work | Untuk bekerja |
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Indonesian Vocabulary, Bahasa expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.