Polish Verbs
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Polish Verbs
This page contains a table including the following: Polish/ Polski Verbs and tenses. Try to memorize the way they're used because they're very important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Polish page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.
A verb in Polish is just like English used as a word that represents an action or a state of being. (go, strike, travel, and exist are examples of verbs). A verb is the essential part of the predicate of a sentence. The grammatical forms of verbs include number, person, and tense.
Polish verbs change quite a bit when used with different subjects. E.g. In English you have:
- I do (and) We do
- You do (and) You do
- He/She/It does (and) They do
There is only one modification of the verb in the third singular form, in Polish much more changes occur:
- I robię (and) We robimy
- You robisz (and) You robicie
- He/She/It robi (and) They robią
Quite a lot of dynamic, isn’t it? But as always don’t worry... you can learn this.
English Verbs | Polish Verbs |
my friend travels with his wife | Mój przyjaciel podróżuje ze swoją żoną |
my friends travel with their friends | Moi przyjaciele podrózują ze swoimi przyjaciółmi |
I traveled with my friends | Podróżowałem ze swoimi przyjaciółmi |
She will travel with her friends | Ona będzie podróżować ze swoimi przyjaciółmi |
I have to feed my cat | Muszę nakarmić kota |
Do you speak Spanish? | Czy mówisz po hiszpańsku? |
As you can see, the table above shows the Polish verbs in the present tense, the past tense, and the future tense, and also as a question (interrogative form).
Present Tense in Polish
The present tense in Polish is the form of the verb that may be used to express: action at the present, a state of being; an occurrence in the (very) near future; or an action that occurred in the past and continues up to the present. Here is an example:
English | Polish Present Tense |
I speak | Ja mówię |
You speak | Ty mówisz |
He speaks | On mówi |
She speaks | Ona mówi |
It speaks | Ono mówi |
We speak | My mówimy |
They speak | Oni mówią |
Past Tense in Polish
The past tense in Polish is a verb tense expressing action, activity, state or being in the past of the current moment (in an absolute tense system), or prior to some other event, whether that is past, present, or future (in a relative tense system). Here is an example:
English | Polish Past Tense |
I traveled | Ja podróżowałem |
You traveled | Ty podróżowałeś |
He traveled | On podróżował |
She traveled | Ona podróżowała |
It traveled | Ono podróżowało |
We traveled | My podróżowaliśmy |
They traveled | Oni podróżowali |
Future Tense in Polish
In Polish, the future tense is a verb form that marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future (in an absolute tense term), or to happen subsequent to some other event, whether that is past, present, or future (in a relative tense term). Here is an example:
English | Polish Future Tense |
I traveled | Ja pójdę |
You traveled | Ty pójdziesz |
He traveled | On pójdzie |
She traveled | Ona pójdzie |
It traveled | To pójdzie |
We traveled | My pójdziemy |
They traveled | Oni pójdą |
Below is a Polish verbs list for your vocabulary training, try to memorize the verbs below, because they’re very important and used daily.
Vocaublary | Polish Verbs |
Arrive | Przybywać |
Ask | Pytać |
Be | Być |
Become | Stawać się |
Begin | Zaczynać |
Break | Przerywać |
Bring | Przynosić |
Build | Budować |
Burn | Palić |
Buy | Kupować |
Call | Dzwonić |
Choose | Wybierać |
Clean | Czyścić |
Close | Zamykać |
Come | Przyjść |
Cut | Ciąć |
Dance | Tańczyć |
Do | Robić |
Dream | Śnić |
Drink | Pić |
Eat | Jeść |
Fall | Upadać |
Find | Znaleźć |
Forget | Zapomnieć |
Get | Dostać |
Go | Iść |
Hear | Słyszeć |
Help | Pomagać |
Kiss | Całować |
Know | Wiedzieć |
Laugh | Śmiać się |
Learn | Uczyć się |
Like | Lubić |
Live | Mieszkać |
Look | Patrzeć |
Love | Kochać |
Make | Robić |
Mean | Mieć na myśli |
Meet | Spotykać |
Need | Potrzebować |
Open | Otwierać |
Play | Grać |
Push | Naciskać |
Read | Czytać |
Remember | Pamiętać |
Return | Wracać |
Run | Biegać |
Say | Powiedzieć |
See | Widzieć |
Sell | Sprzedawać |
Send | Wysyłać |
Sit | Siedzieć |
Sleep | Spać |
Speak | Mówić |
Take | Brać |
Talk | Mówić |
Teach | Uczyć |
Tell | Mówić |
Think | Myśleć |
Understand | Rozumieć |
Wait | Czekać |
Want | Chcieć |
Work | Pracować |
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Polish Verbs such as present tense, past tense, and future tense..., try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to check our Learn Polish page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.