Portuguese Vocabulary

Portuguese Vocabulary

This page contains the most commonly used vocabulary in English and Portuguese (Brazilian), there are more than 300 words. The table includes the following: Portuguese adjectives verbs, animals, body parts, objects food, people, and survival words that you might want to know when chatting. Most of the vocabulary is used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them.

Make sure to check out our Learn Portuguese page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

English to Portuguese Word Translations

English Portuguese English Portuguese
AnimalsAnimais Body Parts
BearUrso ArmBraço
BirdBird BackCostas
CatGato ChestPeito
Cow Vaca EarOrelha
Dog Cão EyeEye
FishPeixe FaceRosto
Horse Cavalo FingerFinger
Monkey Macaco FingersDedos
MouseMouse Foot
Pig Porco HairCabelo
Sheep Ovinos HandMão
AdjectivesAdjectivos HeartCoração
AngryCom raiva LegLeg
BadMau MouthBoca
BeautifulLindo NeckPescoço
CheapBarato NoseNariz
CleanLimpar ShoulderOmbro
ColdFrio StomachEstômago
DifferentDiferentes TeethDentes
DifficultDifícil TongueTongue
EarlyCedo ToothDente
FriendlyFriendly ObjectsObjetos
GoodBom BathroomBanheiro
HeavyPesado BedCama
ImportantImportante BedroomDormitório
MarriedCasado CeilingTeto
NaturalNatural Chair Cadeira
NiceAgradável ClothesRoupas
OpenAbrir CoatCasaco
PolitePolite CupTaça
PoorPobre DeskDesk
RichRich DressVestido
SadTriste FloorPiso
SimpleSimples ForkFork
SlowLento FurnitureMobiliário
SmallPequeno GlassVidro
SweetDoce HatChapéu
TallAlto HouseCasa
WarmQuente InkTinta
WellBem JacketJacket
WorsePior KitchenCozinha
WorstPiores KnifeFaca
WrongErrado LampLâmpada
Miscellaneous WordsMap Mapa
ArtArte NewspaperNewspaper
BookLivro NotebookNotebook
DictionaryDicionário PantsPants
GeographyGeografia PaperLivro
HistoryHistória PenCaneta
MathMath PencilLápis
MusicMúsica PharmacyFarmácia
ScienceCiência PictureImagem
BankBanco Plate Plate
BeachPraia RefrigeratorFrigorífico
By bicycleDe bicicleta RestaurantRestaurante
By busDe ônibus RoofTelhado
By carDe carro RoomQuarto
By trainDe comboio Rug Rug
CafeCafe Scissors Tesoura
CountryPaís ShampooShampoo
DesertDeserto ShirtShirt
FlowersFlores ShoesSapatos
FootballFutebol SoapSabão
ForestFloresta SocksSocks
GameJogo Spoon Spoon
GardenJardim TableMesa
HouseCasa ToiletToilet
IslandIlha ToothbrushToothbrush
LakeLago ToothpasteCreme dental
LibraryBiblioteca TowelToalha
MountainMontanha T-shirtT-shirt
MoviesFilmes Umbrella Umbrella
OceanOceano UnderwearUnderwear
OfficeOffice WallMuro
On footA pé WalletCarteira
PlayerJogador Window Janela
SeaMar FoodAlimento
SoccerFutebol AppleMaçã
SupermarketSupermercado ApricotApricot
Swimming poolPiscina BananaBanana
TheaterTeatro BreadPão
TreeÁrvore BreakfastCafé da manhã
Check BelowFor More WordsCheck Below For More Words
English Portuguese English Portuguese
VerbsVerbos CandyCandy
To arrivechegar CarrotCenoura
To asksolicitar CheeseQueijo
To beSer ChickenFrango
To becomese tornar DessertSobremesa
To begincomeçar DinnerJantar
To breakquebrar FishPeixe
To bringtrazer FoodAlimento
To buildconstruir FruitFrutas
To burngravar GrapesUvas
To buycomprar Ice creamSorvete
To callligar para LambCordeiro
To chooseescolher LemonLimão
To cleanlimpar LunchAlmoço
To closefechar MealMeal
To comeentrar MeatCarne
To cutrecortar OnionCebola
To dancedançar OrangeLaranja
To dofazer PorkPork
To dreamsonhar PotatoBatata
To drinkbeber SaladSalada
To eatcomer SaltSalt
To fallcair SandwichSandwich
To findencontrar SausageSalsicha
To forgetesquecer SoupSopa
To getobter SugarAçúcar
To goir SupperCeia
To hearouvir TurkeyTurquia
To helpajudar VegetablesLegumes
To kissbeijar
To knowsaber PeoplePessoas
To laughrir AuntTia
To learnaprender BabyBebê
To liketal como BrotherIrmão
To liveviver CousinPrimo
To lookolhar DaughterFilha
To loveamar Dentist Dentista
To makefazer Doctor Doutor
To meandizer FatherPai
To meetsatisfazer GranddaughterNeta
To needA necessidade GrandfatherAvô
To openabrir GrandmotherAvó
To playreproduzir GrandsonGrandson
To pushempurrar HusbandMarido
To readler MotherMãe
To rememberlembrar NephewNephew
To returnretornar Niece Neice
To runexecutar Nurse Enfermeira
To sayDizer PolicemanPolicial
To seever PostmanCarteiro
To sellvender Professor Professor
To sendenviar Son Filho
To sitsentar Teacher Professor
To sleepdormir UncleTio
To speakfalar Wife Esposa
To taketer
To talkfalar
To teachensinar
To telldizer
To thinkpensar
To understandcompreender
To waitesperar
To wantQuerer
To worktrabalhar

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Portuguese Vocabulary, Brazilian expressions and words. Try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to check our Learn Portuguese page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Portuguese Lesson Pages

  • Portuguese Adjectives
  • Portuguese Alphabet
  • Portuguese Numbers
  • Portuguese Phrases
  • Portuguese Prepositions
  • Portuguese Verbs