Yoruba Phrases

Yoruba Phrases and Common Expressions

This page contains a table including the following: Yoruba phrases, expressions and words in Yoruba, conversation and idioms, Yoruba greetings, and survival phrases. It also helps if you simply want to know what to say when chatting in Yoruba!

Most of the sentences below are used for everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them.

English Phrases Yoruba Phrases
English Greetings Yoruba Greetings
Hello Pẹlẹ o
Good morning E kaaro
Good evening Ka a ale
Welcome Kaabo
How are you? Bawo ni o se wa?
I am fine, thank you Mo nse dada, a dupe
And you? Iwo na a?
Good / So-So. O dara / Nitorina-Nitorina
Thank you e dupe
You are welcome Ko Tope
Hey! Friend! Hey! Ọrẹ!
I missed you so much! Mo padanu rẹ pupọ!
What's new? Kini tuntun?
Nothing much Ko si nkan kan
Good night! Kasun layọ o!
See you later! Ma a ri e laipe!
Goodbye O dabọ
Asking for Help and Directions
I am lost Mo ti sonu
Can I help you? Iranlọwọ wo ni mo le ṣe fun ọ?
Can you help me? Se o le ran me lowo?
Where is the (bathroom / pharmacy)? Nibo ni (yara iwẹ / ile elegbogi) wa?
Go straight! Then turn left / right! Rin taara! Lẹhinna yipada si apa osi / ọtun!
I am looking for John Mo n wa John
One moment please! Jọwọ ni iṣẹju kan!
Hold on please! Jọwọ duro!
How much is this? Eelo ni eleyi?
Excuse me Mo tọrọ gafara
Come with me! Tele mi kalo!
How to Introduce Yourself
Do you speak (English / Yoruba)? Ṣe o sọ (Gẹẹsi / Yoruba)?
Just a little O kan diẹ
What is your name? Ki 'ni oruko re?
My name is... Orukọ mi ni...
Mr / Mrs Ọgbẹni / Iyaafin
Nice to meet you! Inu mi dun lati pade yin!
You are very kind O ni aanu pupọ
Where are you from? Nibo ni o ti wa?
I am from the United States Orílẹ̀-èdè Amẹ́ríkà ni mí
I am American Mo jẹ ọmọ ilu Amẹrika
Where do you live? Nibo ni o ngbe?
I live in the United States Orílẹ̀-èdè Amẹ́ríkà ni mò ń gbé
Did you like it here? Ṣe o fẹran rẹ nibi?
What do you do for a living? Kini o n ṣe fun iṣẹ oojọ rẹ?
I work as a (translator / businessman) Mo ṣiṣẹ bi (onitumọ / oniṣowo)
I like Yoruba Mo feran Yoruba
I have been learning the Yoruba language for one year Odun kan ni mo ti n ko ede Yoruba
Oh! That's good! Oh! Iyẹn dara!
How old are you? Omo odun melo ni e?
I am (twenty, thirty...) years old Omo odun ni mi ( ogun, ogbon...).
I have to go Mo ni lati lọ
I will be right back Emi yoo pada wa lẹsẹkẹsẹ
Wish Someone Something
Good luck! Orire daada!
Happy birthday! O ku ojo ibi!
Happy new year! E ku odun, eku iyedun!
Merry Christmas! Ikini ọdun keresimesi!
Congratulations! Oriire!
Enjoy! Gbadun!
I would like to visit Nigeria one day Emi yoo fẹ lati ṣabẹwo si Nigeria ni ọjọ kan
Say hello to John for me Sọ fun John fun mi
Good night and sweet dreams! Ti o dara night ati ki o dun ala!
Solving a Misunderstanding
I am sorry Ma binu
No problem Kosi wahala
Can you say it again? Ṣe o le sọ lẹẹkansi?
Can you speak slowly? Ṣe o le sọrọ laiyara?
Write it down please Jọwọ kọ silẹ
I do not understand Ko ye mi
I do not know emi ko mọ
I have no idea Emi ko ni imọran
What is that called in Yoruba? Kini nkan ti a npe ni ede Yoruba?
What is this? Kini eyi?
My Yoruba is bad Yoruba mi ko dara
I need to practice my Yoruba Mo nilo lati ṣe Yoruba mi
Don't worry! Maṣe yọ ara rẹ lẹnu!
Yoruba Expressions and Words
Good / Bad / So-So O dara / buburu / Nitorina-Nitorina
Big / Small Nla / Kekere
Today / Now Loni / Bayi
Tomorrow / Yesterday Ọla / Lana
Yes / No Bẹẹni / Rara
Here you go! Ohun ni yi!
Do you like it? Ṣe o fẹran rẹ?
I really like it! Mo fẹran rẹ gaan!
I am hungry / thirsty ebi npa mi / ongbẹ
In The Morning / Evening / At Night Ni Owurọ / Alẹ / Ni Alẹ
This / That Eyi / Iyẹn
Here / There Nibi / Nibẹ
Me / You / Him / Her Emi / Iwọ / Oun / Rẹ
Really? Lootọ?
Look! Wo!
Hurry up! Tete mura!
What? Where? Kini? Nibo?
What time is it? Ogogo melo ni o lu?
It is 10 o'clock / 07:30pm O jẹ aago mẹwa / 07:30 irọlẹ
Give me this! Fun mi ni eyi!
I love you! Mo nifẹ rẹ!
I feel sick O dabi pe mo ṣ'aarẹ
I need a doctor Mo nilo dokita kan
One, Two, Three Ini, eji, eta
Four, Five, Six Mẹrin, marun, mẹfa
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Meje, mẹjọ, mẹsan, mẹwa

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Yoruba phrases, expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.