Arabic Calligraphy
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Arabic Calligraphy
As you can see below the Arabic calligraphy table has Latin letter for each five Arabic forms in front of it, don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it looks.
Arabic starts from right to left, so for example to write the name Edward, you will need to start the word from the right, so it will be like (D R A W D E), which looks like this in Arabic (إ د و ا ر د)
If you decide to write your name in Arabic, match the letters that your name has with its equivalent in Arabic, but before doing that pay attention to the numbers below, in Arabic a letter changes slightly depending on its position in the word, usually Arabic letters add a small tip so that they can be connected to the letter following them.
The table below shows some numbers in red, each number shows the form of a letter in a certain position of the word not only in Arabic calligraphy but in the language as whole.
1 = shows the Arabic letter standing alone.*
2 = shows the Arabic letter at the beginning of the word.
3 = shows the Arabic letter in the middle of the word.
4 = shows the Arabic letter at the end of the word, but connected to another letter before it.
5 = shows the Arabic letter at the end of the word, and not connected to anything before it.
* (you don’t have to worry about # 1 because it only shows you the letter in its original form, a letter not yet placed in the word).
You may wonder how you would know if a letter would be connecting with something before it or not, well to get that answer you need to go back to arabic alphabet. The letter S (which begins the word is connected to the letter following it, if the letter S was in the middle it would look slightly different, “S” would have 4 different forms, plus the original form, you shouldn’t panic because the difference as I mentioned earlier is not that big, they just add a little tip either on the left/ right or both. That’s why I made the table below, so that you don’t have to guess. The letters below are in the form of images and not text. Because there is a possibility that your browser may not be able to read the Arabic font, especially in the Andalusi script, also if the Arabic letters below were text and you wanted to paste them into a different place, they will either change to a different font, or maybe they will change to question marks. So I figured that keeping them as a picture will preserve their form, now I will go ahead and write my name from the letters below (the best place to do it is to copy the letters and paste them in MS Word or Paint …)
Wow my name looks cool in the Andalusi script. That was easy, I just copied the letters that were in the table below, and pasted them together, depending on their position in the word and I got what you see now, remember Arabic starts from right to left, if you think you messed up or if you’re not sure about the way you write your name you can e-mail me and I will help you do it, my e-mail is at the bottom of this page.
Arabic Calligraphy |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
a |
b |
t |
th (as in think) |
j |
h (sharp) |
kh |
d |
th (as in that) |
r |
z |
s |
sh |
s |
d |
t |
th (as in that) |
a, or a stop |
gh |
f |
q |
k |
l |
m |
n |
h |
o, w, u |
y , i, e |
This symbol can be placed between letters in the middle of a word to make the word look a little bit longer, you can place as many as you want depending on how long you want the name to be. For example look at my name in the side è |
Note that Arabic is written phonetically, and missing many Latin alphabet, for example if your name is AUGUSTINE , you will have to write it in Arabic as {okostin}, you may have noticed that the AU became O, and U became O, G became C because there is no G in Arabic, and also the silent E at the end was omitted.
If you tried to find a letter which exists in Latin but you couldn’t find it in Arabic, then choose the closest sound to it, for example the letter G can be replaced with “gh” “k” or “j”, also the letter “P” can be replaced with “b”, another one is “v” can be replaced with “f”. on the other hand Arabic has letters that don’t exist in English; you don’t have to worry about them if your name doesn’t contain such sound.