Arabic Prepositions

Arabic Prepositions

Prepositions in Arabic are used just like in English; they come before the noun,

Around the house = hawla al bait (around = hawla). In front of the house = amama al bait (amama= in front of).

Some prepositions that are one word in English may contain two words in Arabic, for example (among = men bayn) which means literally “from between”. And vice versa, some Arabic one word may be the equivalent of a compound English preposition, like: in front of = fawka.


Arabic Demonstrative Prepositions

This = used for masculine: hatha (th as in them) = هذا

This = used for feminine : hatheh (th as in them) = هذه

That = used for masculine: thalek (th as in them) = ذلك

That = used for feminine: tilka = تلك

These = ha’ola’ = هؤلاء

Those = ola’ek = أولئك



Arabic Prepositions

About: hawla حولَ

By: ‘ala على

On: ‘ala... على

Above: fawqa فوقَ

close by: bel qurbi men بالقرب من

on top of: fawqa... فوقَ

according to…: wafqan li …وفقا ل

close to: bejaneb …بجانب

Opposite to: ‘aksa... عكسَ

Across: ‘abra عبرَ

Concerning: bekhosoos بخصوص

Out: khaarej... خارج

After: ba’da بعدَ

Despite: raghma رغمَ

Outside…: bel kharej men... بالخارج

Against: dedda ضدَ

Down: tahta تحت

Over: ‘ala... على

ahead of: amama أمامَ

due to: naatej ‘an ناتج عن

Per …: li kolli... لكل

all over: men jaded من جديد

During: khelaala خلالَ

Plus …: idafatan ila...إضافةً الى

Along: ‘ala tool على طول

except for: bestethnaa’ (th as in think) باستثناء

Regarding: bekhosoos...بخصوص

Among: men bayn من بين

Excluding: mostathnian مستثنياً

Save: bestithnaa’ (th as in think)...باستثناء

Around: hawla حولَ

for: li…. ل

similar to: moshaabeh li...مشابه ل

As: ka…كَ

From: men من

Since: mundu...منذُ

As … as: … ka ….كَ

In: fi... فِ

Than: men... من

Aside: bejaaneb بجانب

in front of: amama أمامَ

thanks to…: befadli…بفضل

At: ‘ala على

in place of: makana …مكانَ

Through: khelaala …خلالَ

away from: ba’eedan ‘an بعيدا عن

in spite of: berraghmi men….بالرغم من

Till: ila (or) ila ghaayat …الى or الى غاية

because of: besababi بسبب

Including: mo’taberan معتبراً

To: ila …إلى

Before: qabla قبلَ

Inside: beddakhel... بالدّاخل

Towards: bettejaah … باتجاه

Behind: waraa’ وراءَ

instead of: ‘ewadan ‘an …عوضاً عن

Under: tahta...تحت

Below: tahta تحت

Less: aqal... أقل

Unlike: kheelafan ‘an...خلافاً عن

Beneath: men taht من تحت

Like …: methla … (or) ka …مثلَ . (or) كَ

Until: ila ghayet …الى غاية

Beside: bejaneb بجانب

Minus: naqes …ناقص

Up: fawq فوق

Besides: bel idafati ila باللإضافة الى

Near: qareeb... قريب

Versus: ‘aaksa …عكسَ

Between: bayna بينَ

near to …: qareeb men…. قريبٌ من

Via: ‘abra….عبر

Beyond: wara’a وراءَ

next to: bejaneb …بجانب

With: ma’a….مع

But: laken لكن

Of: men (not for possessive)... من

Without: bedoon…بدون


Wherever: haithumaa (th as in think) حيثما

Whenever: kullamaa كلّما

When (not for question): ‘endamaa عندما

If: ithaa (th as in this) إذا

Either … or: imma ….aw إمّا....أو

Neither … nor: laa ….. wala لا....ولا

As if: kamaa law… كما لو...


Try to memorize these Arabic prepositions; they're very important in making sentences and useful expressions.


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