Learn Spanish Vocabulary
This section contains a lot of information regarding Spanish words and vocabulary.
Try to memorize as much as you can, as it will help you in the future with both writing and speaking Spanish.
This page contains the names of animals, some occupations and jobs, as well as items that can be found in a school or other education setting.
Read MoreThis page contains a large list of food items, along with other items that can be found in a typical kitchen, as well as words related to family.
Read MoreA comprehensive list of verbs in Spanish, both regular and irregular verbs.
Read MoreOn this page you will find a list of Spanish words for places, and words associated with sport and recreation.
Read MoreThis page contains numbers and grammar that are necessary for speaking Spanish as well as writing it.
Read MoreThis Spanish vocabulary list contains numerous words relating to time, the weather and parts of the human body.
Read MoreOn this page you will find a list of many useful and necessary adjectives, adverbs and relexive verbs.
Read MoreAudio - Listen to Spanish Vocabulary Pronunciation
Spanish Vocabulary | |
Colors | Colores |
Rojo | Red |
Verde | Green |
Negro | Black |
Blanco | White |
Gris | Grey |
Amarillo | Yellow |
Naranjo | Orange |
Azul | Blue |
Café | Brown |
Rosa | Pink |
Morado (púrpura) | Purple |
Animals | Animales |
Perro | Dog |
Gato | Cat |
Pájaro | Bird |
Pez/pescado | Fish (alive/food) |
Caballo | Horse |
Pollo | Chicken |
Gallo/gallina | Rooster/hen |
Langosta | Lobster |
Cangrejo | Crab |
Oveja | Sheep |
Cordero | Lamb |
León | Lion |
Tigre | Tiger |
Elefante | Elephant |
Oso | Bear |
Ardilla | Squirrel |
Ratón | Mouse |
Fruit | Fruta |
Limón | Lemon |
Uva | Grape |
Manzana | Apple |
Naranja | Orange |
Piña | Pineapple |
Aguacate | Avocado |
Lima | Lime |
Plátano | Banana |
Fresa | Strawberry |
Mora | Blackberry |
Arándano | Blueberry |
Tomate | Tomato |
Vegetables | Vegetales/Verduras |
Cebolla | Onion |
Pepinos/pimientos | Peppers |
Papa | Potato |
Calabacín | Squash/zucchini |
Ejotes | Green beans |
Frijoles | Beans |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Escabeche | Pickle |
Oliva | Olives |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Other Food Related Words | Palabras de Comida |
Sal | Salt |
Pimiento | Pepper |
Carne | Meat/steak |
Frito | Fried |
Pollo | Chicken |
Pasteles | Desserts |
Aperitivos | Appetizers |
Pan | Bread |
Trigo | Wheat |
Horneado | Baked |
Tostado | Toasted |
Arroz | Rice |
Places | Lugares |
Banco | Bank |
Tienda | Store |
Mercado | Market |
Teatro | Theatre |
Iglesia | Church |
Escuela | School |
Panadería | Bakery |
Lavandería | Laundromat |
Estadio | Stadium |
Discoteca/club | Club |
Numbers | Números |
Uno | 1 |
Dos | 2 |
Tres | 3 |
Cuatro | 4 |
Cinco | 5 |
Seis | 6 |
Siete | 7 |
Ocho | 8 |
Nueve | 9 |
Diez | 10 |
Once | 11 |
Doce | 12 |
Trece | 13 |
Catorce | 14 |
Quince | 15 |
Dieciséis | 16 |
Diecisiete | 17 |
Dieciocho | 18 |
Diecinueve | 19 |
Veinte | 20 |
Veintiuno/dos/tres | 21, 22, 23 |
Trenta | 30 |
Trentaiuno/dos/tres | 31, 32, 33 |
Cuarenta | 40 |
Cuarentaiuno/dos/tres | 41, 42, 43 |
Cincuenta | 50 |
Cincuentaiuno/dos/tres | 51, 52, 53 |
Seisenta | 60 |
Seisentaiuno/dos/tres | 61, 62, 63 |
Setenta | 70 |
Setentaiuno/dos/tres | 71, 72, 73 |
Ochenta | 80 |
Ochentaiuno/dos/tres | 81, 82, 83 |
Noventa | 90 |
Noventaiuno/dos/tres | 91, 92, 93 |
Cien | 100 |
Ciento uno/dos/tres/veinte/trenta | 101, 102, 103, 120, 130 |
Doscientos | 200 |
Trescientos | 300 |
Cuatrocientos | 400 |
Quinientos | 500 |
Seiscientos | 600 |
Setecientos | 700 |
Ochocientos | 800 |
Novecientos | 900 |
Mil | 1000 |
Millón | 1000000 |
People | Gente |
Hombre | Man |
Mujer | Woman |
Niño/niña | Boy/girl |
Hermano/a | Brother/sister |
Padre | Father |
Madre | Mother |
Abuelo/a | Grandfather/grandmother |
Tio/a | Uncle/aunt |
Nieto/a | Grandson/granddaughter |
Primo/a | Cousin |
Sobrino/a | Nephew/niece |
Amigo/a | Friend |
Compañero/a | Partner/classmate |
Novio/a | Boyfriend/girlfriend |
Esposo/a | Husband/wife |
Prometido/a | Fiancé/fiancée |
Colega | Colleague |
Jefe | Boss |
Profesor/a | Teacher, professor |
Note: Other common fruits not listed are likely pronounced the same in Spanish. For example, “kiwi” is “kiwi”, “mango” is “mango”.
Spanish Vocabulary Dialogue
A: Mira a ese pájaro! Que bonito!
B: Si, lo veo! Que rojo! Parace tener hambre. Quiero alimentarlo pedacitos de manzana.
A: Buena idea! Tengo piña también. Ven, pájaro!
B: Mira! Hay un gato allí cerca del pájaro. Parece tener hambre también.
A: Por diós, va a comer el pajarito! Tira un pedacito de pollo allí, lejos del pájaro que el gato lo coma.
B: No voy a alimentar un gato negro. Es mala suerte! Cuándo viene tu primo con su perro grande?
A: Ahorita viene con dos perros. Estoy segura que los perros asustarán el gato.
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Spanish Vocabulary, consonants and vowels. Try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to check our Learn Spanish page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.