Spanish Vocabulary - Verbs List
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Spanish Vocabulary - Verbs List
This is a list of verbs in Spanish, both regular and irregular verbs, please try to memorize them because they’re used very often and also because all your conversations with others would moslty contain verbs.
List of Spanish Regular Verbs |
abrir (to open) |
descubrir (to discover) |
omitir (to omit) |
admitir (to admit) |
desear (to desire) |
pagar (to pay for) |
alquilar (to rent) |
discutir (to discuss) |
partir (to divide) |
amar (to love) |
enseñar (to teach) |
permitir (to permit) |
andar (to walk) |
entrar (en) (to enter (into)) |
poseer (to possess, to own) |
aprender (to learn) |
enviar (to send) |
practicar (to practice) |
asistir a (to attend) |
esconder (to hide) |
preguntar (to ask) |
ayudar (to help) |
escribir (to write) |
preparer (to prepare) |
bailar (to dance) |
escuchar (to listen to) |
prometer (to promise) |
beber (to drink) |
esperar (to hope, to wait for) |
recibir (to receive) |
buscar (to look for) |
estudiar (to study) |
regresar (to return) |
caminar (to walk) |
existir (to exist) |
romper (to break) |
cantar (to sing) |
firmar (to sign) |
saludar (to greet) |
cocinar (to cook) |
ganar (to win, earn) |
subir (to climb, to go up) |
comer (to eat) |
gastar (to spend money) |
sufrir (to suffer) |
comprar (to buy) |
hablar(to speak, to talk) |
temer (to fear) |
comprender (to understand) |
lavar (to wash) |
tocar (to touch, to play an instrument) |
contester (to answer) |
leer (to read) |
tomar (to take, to drink) |
correr (to run) |
llegar (to arrive) |
trabajar (to work) |
creer (to believe) |
llevar (to wear, to carry) |
unir (to unite) |
cubrir (to cover) |
mandar (to order) |
vender (to sell) |
deber (to have to, to owe) |
meter en (to put into) |
viajar (to travel) |
decidir (to decide) |
mirar (to watch, to look at) |
visitor (to visit ) |
dejar (to allow, to leave) |
necesitar (to need) |
vivir (to live ) |
describir (to describe) |
olvidar (to forget) |
List of Spanish Irregular Verbs |
acentuar (to stress/ to accent) |
decir (to say) |
intervenir (to take part) |
abrazar (to embrace) |
decrecer (to decrease) |
invertir (to reverse/ to invert) |
abstenerse (to abstain) |
defender (to defend) |
ir (to go) |
acoger (to welcome/ take in) |
derruir (to demolish) |
justificar (to justify) |
acordar (hacer algo) (to agree to) |
desandar (to go back over) |
juzgar (to judge) |
acostarse (to go to bed) |
desaprobar (to disapprove of) |
lanzar (to throw/ hurl/ launch/ heave) |
actuar (to act) |
descender (to go down) |
lanzar (to throw/ to fling) |
adelgazar (to lose weight) |
descontar (to deduct) |
liar (to tie up/ to wrap/ to roll) |
agradecer (to thank) |
deshacer (to undo/ to unpack) |
llegar (to arrive) |
agregar (to add) |
despertar (to wake/ to arouse) |
llover (to rain) |
agriar (to turn sour) |
destituir (to dismiss) |
madrugar (to get up early) |
aguar (to water down) |
destruir (to destroy/ to wreck) |
maltraer (to maltreat) |
alcanzar (to reach) |
desvariar (to be delirious) |
marcar (to mark) |
alentar (to encourage) |
detener (to arrest/ to stop) |
mascar (to chew) |
alzar (to lift/ raise/ hoist) |
devenir en (to become/ to turn into) |
mascar (to chew) |
amanecer (to dawn) |
devolver algo (give something back) |
memorizar (to memorize) |
amordazar (to gag/ muzzle) |
digerir (to digest/ to assimilate) |
mentar (to mention) |
analizar (to analyze) |
diluir (to dilute) |
mentir (to lie) |
andar (to walk) |
disminuir (to reduce/ to decrease) |
morder (to bite/ to eat into) |
apaciguar (to calm down) |
disolver (to dissolve/ to break up) |
morir (to die) |
apagar (to put out/ to put off) |
distraer (to amuse/ to entertain) |
mostrar (to show) |
aparcar (to park/ to shelf) |
distribuir (to distribute) |
obtener (to get/ to win) |
aparecer (to appear/ show up) |
divertir (to entertain/ to amuse) |
oír (to hear) |
aprobar (to approve) |
doler (to hurt) |
pedir (to ask for/ to order) |
atender (to attend to) |
dormir (to put to bed) |
pensar (to think) |
aterrizar (to land) |
dormirse (to go to bed) |
perder (to lose) |
aterrorizar (to terrorize) |
edificar (to build) |
perpetuar (to perpetuate) |
atestiguar (to testify to) |
electrificar (to electrify) |
picar (to bite) |
averiguar (to find out) |
empezar (to begin/ to start) |
platicar (to chat) |
blocar (to block) |
encender (to light/ to inflame) |
poder (to be able to) |
caer (to fall) |
encerrar (to shut up/ to shut in) |
preferir (to prefer) |
calentar (to heat up/ to warm up) |
encoger (to shrink) |
prevaler (to prevail) |
castigar (to punish) |
encontrar (to find/ to encounter) |
prevenir (to prevent) |
cazar (to hunt) |
engrosar (to swell) |
provenir de (to come from) |
certificar (to confirm) |
enviar (to send) |
provocar (to incite) |
chocar (to crash) |
envolver (to wrap up/ to wind) |
punzar (to prick/ to stab) |
civilizar (to civilize) |
escoger (to choose) |
quebrar (to break) |
clarificar (to clarify) |
espiar (to spy on) |
querer (to want) |
coger (to take) |
esquiar (to ski) |
recaer (to relapse) |
comenzar (to start/ to begin) |
estar (to be ) |
recoger (to pick up) |
compareceer (to appear) |
expedir (to send/ to dispatch) |
reconstruir (to rebuild) |
complicar (to complicate) |
explicar (to explain) |
recordar (to remember) |
conceptuar (to consider/ to judge) |
extender (to stretch out) |
referir (to tell/ recount) |
concordar (to agree/ to reconcile) |
extenuar (to exhaust/ to drain) |
refrescar (to refresh/ to chill) |
confesar (to confess) |
extraer (to extract) |
rehacer (to do again/ to rebuild) |
confiar (to confide) |
fabricar (to manufacture/ to build) |
rehuir (to avoid) |
confluir (to converge/ to meet) |
falsificar (to forge) |
rozar (to rub/ to brush/ to graze) |
conocer (to know) |
fatigar (to tire/ to weary) |
saber (to know) |
consentir (to allow/ to permit) |
fluir (to flow) |
sacar (to take out) |
construir (to build/ manufacture) |
fotografiar (to take a photograph) |
salir (to go out) |
contar (to count/ to tell) |
fraguar (to forge) |
satisfacer (to satisfy/ to quench) |
contener (to contain/ to restrain) |
generalizar (to spread/ generalize) |
sentar (to sit/ to seat) |
continuar (to continue) |
gozar (to enjoy) |
sostener (to support) |
contraer (to contract/ to acquire) |
hacer (to do/ to make) |
suplicar (to plead) |
contribuir (to contribute) |
halagar (to flatter) |
tocar (to touch) |
convenir (to be suitable) |
henchir (to fill/ to fill up) |
traer (to bring) |
costar (to cost) |
hervir (to boil) |
tragar (to swallow) |
cotizar (to quote/ to price) |
impedir (to prevent) |
tronar (to thundar) |
crecer (to grow) |
incluir (to include) |
unificar (to unite) |
criar (to breed) |
influir (to influence) |
utilizar (to use) |
cualificar (to qualify) |
insinuar (to insinuate) |
valer (to value) |
dar (to give) |
intensificar (to intensify) |
I hope this list of regular and irregular verbs was useful, memorize as many as you can if you want to improve quickly in learning Spanish. Good luck!