Italian Vocabulary

Italian Vocabulary

This page contains the most commonly used vocabulary in English and Italian, there are more than 300 words. The table includes the following: Italian adjectives verbs, animals, body parts, objects food, people, and survival words that you might want to know when chatting. Most of the vocabulary is used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them, if you don't know how to say a word then check our alphabet in Italian which can be found on the menu above to get some help. You can also check our Italian Phrases page.

English Italian English Italian
AnimalsBody Parts
BearOrso ArmArm
BirdBird BackIndietro
CatGatto ChestPetto
Cow Cow EarOrecchio
Dog Cane EyeEye
FishPesce FaceVolto
Horse Cavallo FingerFinger
Monkey Monkey FingersFingers
MouseMouse FootPiede
Pig Maiale HairCapelli
Sheep Ovini HandMano
AdjectivesAggettivi HeartCuore
AngryArrabbiato LegLeg
BadCattivo MouthBocca
BeautifulBello NeckCollo
CheapEconomico NoseNaso
CleanPulito ShoulderSpalla
ColdFreddo StomachStomaco
DifferentDiversi TeethDenti
DifficultDifficile TongueTongue
EarlyPresto ToothTooth
FriendlyFriendly ObjectsOggetti
GoodBuono BathroomBagno
HeavyPesante BedLetto
ImportantImportante BedroomCamera da letto
MarriedConiugato CeilingSoffitto
NaturalNaturale Chair Sedia
NiceCarino ClothesAbiti
OpenAperto CoatCappotto
PolitePolite CupCoppa
PoorPovero DeskScrivania
RichRich DressDress
SadTriste FloorPiano
SimpleSemplice ForkForcella
SlowLento FurnitureMobili
SmallPiccolo GlassVetro
SweetDolce HatCappello
TallAlto HouseCasa
WarmCaldo InkInchiostro
WellBene JacketGiacca
WorsePeggio KitchenCucina
WorstWorst KnifeColtello
WrongSbagliato LampLampada
Miscellaneous WordsVarie parole Map Mappa
ArtArte NewspaperGiornali
BookLibro NotebookNotebook
DictionaryDizionario PantsPantaloni
GeographyGeografia PaperLibro
HistoryStoria PenPen
MathMath PencilMatita
MusicMusica PharmacyFarmacia
ScienceScienza PictureImmagine
BankBanca Plate Plate
BeachSpiaggia RefrigeratorFrigorifero
By bicycleIn bicicletta RestaurantRistorante
By busIn autobus RoofTetto
By carIn auto RoomStanza
By trainIn treno Rug Tappeto
CafeCafe Scissors Forbici
CountryPaese ShampooShampoo
DesertDeserto ShirtShirt
FlowersFiori ShoesScarpe
FootballCalcio SoapSoap
ForestForesta SocksCalze
GameGioco Spoon Spoon
GardenGiardino TableTavolo
HouseCasa ToiletWC
IslandIsola ToothbrushSpazzolino
LakeLago ToothpasteDentifricio
LibraryBiblioteca TowelAsciugamano
MountainMontagna T-shirtT-shirt
MoviesFilm Umbrella Umbrella
OceanOceano UnderwearUnderwear
OfficeUfficio WallParete
On footA piedi WalletPagamenti
PlayerGiocatore Window Finestra
SeaMare FoodCibo
SoccerCalcio AppleMela
SupermarketSupermercato ApricotAlbicocca
Swimming poolPiscina BananaBanana
TheaterTeatro BreadPane
TreeAlbero BreakfastColazione
English Italian English Italian
VerbsVerbi CandyCandy
To arriveArrivare CarrotCarota
To askChiedere CheeseFormaggi
To beEssere ChickenPollo
To becomeDiventare DessertDessert
To beginIniziare DinnerCena
To breakRompere FishPesce
To bringPortare FoodCibo
To buildCostruire FruitFrutta
To burnMasterizzare GrapesUvaggio
To buyAcquistare Ice creamGelati
To callChiamare LambAgnello
To chooseScegliere LemonLimone
To cleanPulire LunchPranzo
To closeChiudere MealPasto
To comeVenire MeatCarne
To cutTagliare OnionCipolla
To danceLa danza OrangeArancione
To doFare PorkCarne di maiale
To dreamSognare PotatoPatata
To drinkBere SaladInsalata
To eatMangiare SaltSale
To fallCaduta SandwichSandwich
To findTrovare SausageSalsiccia
To forgetDimenticare SoupMinestra
To getOttenere SugarZucchero
To goAndare SupperCena
To hearAscoltare TurkeyTurchia
To helpAiutare VegetablesOrtaggi
To kissUn bacio
To knowSaperne di PeoplePersone
To laughRidere AuntZia
To learnImparare BabyBambino
To likeCome BrotherFratello
To liveVivere CousinCugino
To lookCercare DaughterFiglia
To loveAmore Dentist Dentista
To makeFare Doctor Medico
To meanDire FatherPadre
To meetSoddisfare GranddaughterNipote
To needNecessità GrandfatherNonno
To openAprire GrandmotherNonna
To playGiocare GrandsonGrandson
To pushSpingere HusbandMarito
To readLeggere MotherMadre
To rememberRicordare NephewNephew
To returnTornare Niece Nipote
To runEseguire Nurse Infermiere
To sayDire PolicemanPoliziotto
To seeVedere PostmanPostino
To sellVendere Professor Professore
To sendInviare Son Figlio
To sitSedersi Teacher Insegnante
To sleepDormire UncleZio
To speakParlare Wife Moglie
To takeTener
To talkParlare
To teachInsegnare
To tellDire
To thinkPensare
To understandCapire
To waitAspettare
To wantDesidera
To workLavorare

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Italian Vocabulary, expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation.